Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Observation 1 (Sept. 13th 2010)

A bit overdue, but I realized I had not gotten around to posting this entry, so here it is.

I was taking a bike ride just after sunset, and had not planned on doing any observing, but the thought occurred to me shortly after departing. I began my ride going West, and observed a bright object about 15 degrees above the horizon, which I assumed to be Venus. To the north, I found nothing, but when I turned around and headed back south, I was able see the Moon, which seemed to be right in it's first quarter, with only half showing. While also heading South, I observed a bright object to the ENE, but after making a series of turns along my path, I was unable to locate the object again. Shortly, I arrived at my house and decided to search for some constellations since It was now actually dark enough for stars to come out. I located Sagittarius and Scorpius, although I had trouble at first due to not realizing the size of the constellations. With my favorite two constellations found right over my house, I decided to call it a night. 

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