Friday, October 1, 2010

APOD 1.5

The astronomical find I for you today is probably the most exciting discovery I've heard in my life time. Recently, astronomers have finally discovered another inhabitable planet!! Even better, it's really close. Relatively speaking. It's 'only' 20 light-years away, which is MUCH closer than most of the other systems in our Galaxy. Although it was only recently announced to the public, there is already a LOT known about this new planet (Well, relatively speaking). 
Gliese 581g; most Earth-like planet known to man.
This new planet, designated Gliese 581g, is one of several planets that orbits the star Gliese; a dwarf star in the constellation Libra. Designated Zarmina's World by one of the astronomers who found it (naming it after his wife), the planet is one of three planets that orbit Gilese in what is known as the 'inhabitable zone'. However, 581g is the most accommodating to human needs. Not too cold, not to hot, but just right. This led to the media labeling it the 'Goldilocks Planet'. This better be improved, because currently all three names suck in my opinion. However, this is not our primary concern. We probably should consider figuring how to get there, so we can try and colonize it!

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