Friday, March 11, 2011

APOD 3.7

It must be Aliens. Or, just some NASA Astronauts in orbit in the Space Shuttle Discovery as it prepares to dock at the International Space Station. And it's just that. Captured in a combined series of Long Exposure photographs, the ISS and Discovery are shown moving rapidly across the sky, with the Moon and Jupiter. Actually, the photo exposures aren't that 'long', being only a mere 4 seconds, but compared to the frame speeds of normal photography, that's still considered long.

Discovery, Jupiter, the Moon, and the ISS.

The long streak across the sky is actually both the ISS and Discovery. Since they're about to dock, they are of course on the same Great Circle orbiting the Earth. Below, the very large bright spot is none other than the Moon. One might then ask, "Alright, but where's Jupiter?" Well, it's right below. See that bright speck on the horizon? Well, there aren't many celestial objects that are going to stand out when they're that close to the horizon, not with the Sun right around the corner.

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