Monday, March 21, 2011

APOD 3.8

Brace for impact!! Impending collision with the Moon in 5...4...3...2...No, just kidding. While the impact really was a jest, it certainly looks like that's a possibility. In this picture, the Moon seems abnormally large. Huge, in fact. Well, just as always, there's an explanation for that.  Well, sorta. It's called the Moon Illusion.

So what is the Moon Illusion? Honest to god, we have no idea. That's right, our world's top scientists don't have a clue what causes this. Countless explanations have been brought forth, but each and every one has failed. By every known scientific fact, the Moon should appear SMALLER when closer to the horizon, due to both increased distance and the atmospheric effects (Yes, the atmosphere should cause it to be smaller. Theoretically). So then why? If you know, please share. Not a soul in the world knows elsewise. And about the Parthenon? That's just there for show.

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