Friday, April 1, 2011

APOD 4.1: Boston Moonrise

I love brilliant Moon rises. And Boston. Therefore, it only makes sense for me to cover this extraordinary picture this week. The shot depicts the Bostonian skyline with a rising, red tinted moon in the background.

The Boston Skyline + A Moon = Brilliance
I covered the Moon Effect in a previous posting, but here we once again see the unexplainable enlargement of it's appearance. Some other noteable aspects about it: It appears to be really red, and really blurry. The red tinting is a side effect of the light's refraction upon entering the atmosphere, and possibly combined with any pollutants in the air above the city...but since Boston isn't really hardcore industrial, I doubt that
's a significant factor. The blurriness can possibly be attributed to rising heat distorting the air above the city, and I would suspect that as a likely factor. All in all, it's a pretty cool picture.

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